“Good Morning, Today cattle prices are declining at a rate of 50c per pound
at the market.”
(Camera shows Bob Simpson at a Livestock Market, then the camera
changes to the University Farm)
“The mustard and flax at the Saskatoon University farm has been approved
for moisture.”
“The grain price is slowly declining and doesn’t look good for grain farmers
this year.”
(The camera shows a gas rate chart on a blue screen)
“The gas prices today are increasing to 3¢ per liter.”
(Camera flashes back to Bob Simpson. The camera then shows the
Agribition in Regina, Sask.)
“There are many things going on at Agribition today in Regina.”
“The cattle are selling higher today then normal.”
“There will be a heifer show and sale at 2:30 this afternoon”
“Bring your whole family out to the yearly trade show this afternoon there
will be many draws and prizes.”
“Watch farm new every Saturday at 2:00 and 6:00 pm.”
Why I Like Bob Simpson
I wish that I was Bob Simpson. It would be fun to be him, and get to go to
big farms all over Saskatchewan. You can take grain on TV and show what
it looks like. It would be cool to be on T.V. and be with farmers. It would be
interesting to talk to them and help with agribition. He gets to see lots of
tractors and combines; that would be cool. That’s why I would like to be like
Bob Simpson.